HydroJar - Josefin Mebius
Hydroponic growing kit
Can you tell us about your journey from idea to company?
I had been curious about starting my own business for a long time, but hadn’t quite had the courage to take the step to implement any idea. Shortly after I began the garden engineer program at Alnarp, I started developing a growing kit to cultivate herbs in water with added nutrients, alongside my studies. The kit includes a lid that fits a standard glass jar. The technique is called hydroponic cultivation, and after a while, the product idea was named HydroJar. In the early stages, I discovered that there was something called Venturelab at SLU, which provided exactly the support I needed to continue developing my business idea. I was advised to apply for various scholarships, and that first summer, I won a scholarship called Leapfrogs, which gave me the opportunity to work on my business idea full-time, together with other developers and creators. It was an incredible boost! In the summer of 2024, HydroJar also won one of Sweden’s largest innovation awards in the green industry, presented by SLU and Sparbanken Skåne. It was a great honor and a confirmation that HydroJar has the potential to reach the market, which I will carry with me into the upcoming launch.
In what ways have you received support in your entrepreneurial journey?
The best part of Venturelab is that I’ve been able to discuss ideas in an open and confidential manner, which made it easier to make decisions on various issues that came up along the way. It also provided an invaluable network, allowing me to share my thoughts and doubts with someone, either to quickly discard them or to get support in finding answers to move forward in the process. It’s easy for an idea to stall completely when you’re alone in seeking all the answers, as it can quickly feel overwhelming. With the help of Venturelab, I’ve been able to sort my thoughts and overcome obstacles, which has allowed the idea to continue evolving since day one, and that has been very empowering for me personally. I’m very grateful for the support from Venturelab, without which I couldn’t have come this far with HydroJar.
What tips do you have for students who have an idea or are considering starting their own business?
Dare to believe in your ideas and dreams, and explore them while you have the chance as a student. It’s much harder to find the time to do this alongside a job after your studies. Don’t rush the process—allow yourself to explore your idea and examine your own assumptions and reasons for wanting to start a business. This can help you maintain motivation during times when things don’t go as planned. Last but not least, I would recommend trying to recruit others to your project at an early stage if you decide you want to start a real business. Ideally, someone with skills you lack, and who you know you can collaborate well with. This can help you gain perspective and keep the momentum going during difficult times. Also, it can be more fun to work with someone else, as you can share both successes and setbacks, which feels good.
To those considering taking the leap, just do it and don’t think too long. You will learn so much about yourself, and along the way you’ll discover whether it’s something you want to continue with or not. And it’s perfectly okay if it ends with you not starting your own business. At least you’ve tried and given the idea a fair chance, which you won’t regret!
Founder Josefin Mebius