Oskar Norstedt
A diet-friendly dog biscuit designed to help dogs feel fuller longer.
Can you tell us about your journey from idea to company?
I got the idea when I was writing my thesis, and since I wanted to do my own project, I started a little earlier. When I was writing, I thought, "This could be a big thing!". To begin with I pitched my idea, a business model, to Henrik to see what he thought and how we could move forward. Then it was a long process, but the core idea was a dog biscuit that helps dogs feel fuller as part of a diet plan. I made the first biscuits at home by myself, then I got the opportunity to spend two days at a feed lab to develop them. After that, I applied for a patent with help from SLU.
Next, I found a manufacturer who could produce a test batch, and I got help getting the first batch onto the market to see what dog owners and veterinarians thought. Today, the biscuits are on the market and are sold to veterinarians and have distribution agreements. I currently work part-time as a veterinarian and part-time at my business, but the goal is to switch to working full-time with my own business in the future.
It's been fun to come up with an idea based on research!
Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.
In what ways have you received support in your entrepreneurial journey?
Both in terms of thoughts and support. There have been opportunities to call or meet in person. Henrik has provided great feedback and is knowledgeable about the business side. Most importantly, it has been helpful to have someone who knows how to think and which pitfalls to avoid. Thanks to the financial support from SLU Holdings, I’ve made it all the way to the market. They allowed me to test things without having to invest my own money.
What tips do you have for students who have an idea or are considering starting their own business?
If I were to do it again today, I would seek more help with how to start a business, trademark applications, lawyers, and such. It would have been easier with guidance than when I did it all by myself.
There is so much research that doesn’t get turned into something – it just stays research, even though it could be applied in the real world. So, if you come across something interesting while reading studies, look into whether someone has already turned it into reality.
As a student, you have the chance to become an entrepreneur, and I recommend it because it’s really fun and exciting.
Dare to try, make contact, and have an initial meeting! Something will come of it! The people at SLU are great at discussing an idea, they can think from a different approach, so it can turn out really well. You can work out an idea together, so you don’t need to have a fully developed idea when you go to them.
Founder Oskar Norstedt